Rules for reporting CLE compliance vary by state. LexVid automatically reports attendance in TX, OH, PA, TN, and GA. Select your state below for detailed CLE reporting information.
LexVid will report your attendance information within 30 days of program completion. ...
Use the form prescribed by the Alaska Bar Association to certify your completion of MCLE and VCLE by February 1st. Each certificate contains the number of CLE credits you have earned for that course. ...
On or before September 15th, access your online affidavit [] and enter the CLE credits you’ve earned. Your credit information is contained on your cert...
LexVid will report your attendance information within 30 days of program completion. ...
Attorneys report MCLE compliance by submitting a statement of compliance to the State Bar. Compliance may be reported online through My State Bar Profile. [] ...
Submit the CLE hours you have earned to Colorado’s Board of CLE using the online affidavit []. The course number is listed on your certificate of completion. ...
There is no need to report individual courses. You will certify that you have completed your MCLE for the current reporting period on you next attorney registration form. ...
LexVid will report your attendance information within 30 days of program completion. ...
To receive your credit for LexVid courses, simply email the certificate and course outline attachments sent to your email to the Florida Bar at . As an out of state provider, Le...
LexVid will report your CLE compliance within 30 days of program completion and pay your reporting fees. You can check you CLE transcript by logging into your account at